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- «c1»By Darkhawk/IRIS«»
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- «»
- «as»«c7»I'm a «c6»swapper «c7»and no «c6»trader, «c7»but I
- want to write a bit about both
- functions and their state right now.
- Yes yes, how many times have we read
- articles like these? Well, atleast I
- only do such articles one time a year
- or so, eheh.. And this time I have
- some slightly different, and «c6»not so
- positive an angle on the subject, «c7»but
- it will hopefully end op being
- optimistic in the end anyway, atleast
- for the swappers, if not for the
- traders.«»
- «»
- Because, as a function, the spreading
- of productions via «c6»traditional mail,
- «c7»patronizingly called snail mail (but
- hey, my last letter I got from Poland
- was 2-3 weeks in arriving, arghh) is
- «c6»mostly redundant «c7»and quite meaningless
- outside of the small circle of
- swappers. And as a function, the
- «c6»trader is not needed anymore either,
- «c7»not in spreading scenish productions,
- and not in spreading warez, as there
- are no warez, and no crackers to crack
- those warez even if there was.«»
- «»
- Last I heard, there were around 2-3
- boards who were online 24 hours and
- active, on the net, and that's what's
- left of the huge warez scene it seems.
- With that few boards, there aren't
- many traders either, and they don't
- have much to do, but to spread
- productions that can for the most
- part easily be downloaded from other,
- public internet sites. Scene wise,
- that is most obvious, «c6»you go to aminet
- amigascne.org, etc., to get your
- releases, you certainly don't check
- out any board anymore, «c7»and those who
- do, are mostly not interested in
- actually viewing those productions
- either. As for the commercial stuff,
- the real interesting things that one
- could find on the illegal boards.. Yes
- well, we all know the sorry state of
- the «c6»commercial Amiga sector, «c7»so quite
- literally, we have a few (a handful at
- most I guess) «c6»Amiga traders, «c7»who are
- starved for releases, ANY releases to
- put up on boards where nobody but they
- themselves and a few others check it,
- when the same stuff can be found
- easily on the internet. Quite sad when
- you look at it that way really. The
- «c6»trading scene is really struggling to
- survive, «c7»but it seems like they won't
- make it, they simply need to have more
- releases to spread, they need more
- life, they're at the end for now
- anyway, until some revival will start
- making it attractive visitting boards.
- Right now they cling to the last
- vestiges of life, rather stubbornly,
- but that is admiring in and of itself.«»
- «»
- Well, you all knew that, and if you
- were a «c6»swapper, «c7»you might wear a
- little grin on your face, thinking
- 'Hah, and the traders always said we'd
- die out and they'd replace us.. Now
- look at them'. True of course,
- «c6»swapping is more alive than trading,
- «c7»but only by some small degrees, sadly.
- Let's say there are 15-20 active
- swappers left? I sent out EC #43 in
- the last days of July, and I got TWO
- answers out of the 21 letters I sent
- so far. Now that's sad! But this is
- not about how active or fast the few
- remaining swappers are. More about the
- fact that «c6»swapping as a means of
- spreading productions is dead! «c7»Yes, I
- know, so many articles claiming
- swapping is dead, and now I, good old
- hardcore swapper myself, finally write
- it, because I need a filler article?
- Not quite, look at my words. Swapping
- as a way of spreading productions
- (efficiently) is surely dead. There is
- one packmag, that is spread only by
- mail, and not allowed to be spread via
- the internet, and that is Lahve's
- «c6»Sabotage pack, «c7»a really nice packmag
- for sure. Issue 10 of it was spread
- via the internet too, as a sort
- of exception Lahve said, but I
- wonder.. You could still find some
- Sabotage issues on the net though, as
- some, even amongst swappers, don't
- really care to keep this
- production off the net. And Sabotage
- is the ONLY production I know of you
- have a chance of not getting via the
- net. So, when you can get all
- productions via the net, and you can
- get them vastly faster off the net,
- what point is there in claiming that
- swapping, as a way of distributing
- releases efficiently isn't dead? There
- are none I think. «c6»Swapping will never
- make a comeback, «c7»and if we, the
- remaining swappers are real lucky and
- dedicated, it will remain as a
- sub-movement of the scene, a movement
- that non-swappers won't understand and
- will only shake their heads at. Well,
- let them, if they think we do it
- because of spreading and getting
- stuff, they would be wrong now. I
- mean, most swappers are also on the
- internet and have an email. And it is
- a kinda' weird feeling, snailmailing
- something to a swapping friend you
- know he will himself download even
- before you post the letter. We close
- our eyes to this though, because we
- really want to «c6»keep swapping alive.«»
- «»
- «c7»And what is it we want to keep alive?
- It's the friendship and the spirit of
- this «c6»submovement. «c7»Some of us also feel
- a kind of loyality to this
- submovement. In 1989 I started out as
- a swapper, and I'll be damned if I'm
- going to stop before I don't have
- anyone to write letters to anymore.
- But looking at it realistically, the
- scene really has moved on, and doesn't
- really care much about swappers,
- sadly, though they care more about us
- than traders, because we're still
- participating in other things, besides
- sending slow mails to eachother, we're
- some of the most engaged sceners, we
- write articles, bring out packs,
- organize groups, and try to enroll
- others to like our scene and our
- swapping activities. We are in short
- still some of the «c6»lifeblood of the
- scene. «c7»Although we're so few now, we
- still make an impact. Just not in
- regards to spreading productions,
- which was our primary function once.
- Not anymore, and better if you don't
- see a swapper in that limited way, as
- a person spreading stuff in an archaic
- way. Rather you should see such a
- person as possesing a plethora of
- scene knowledge and as having a lot of
- scenish connections, a person active
- in the scene (well, the active
- swappers, anyway), and so on. Swapping
- and riting letters have given us many
- benefits we now can use, and since
- we're so loyal and actually still like
- swapping, many of us still do that
- too.«»
- «»
- So, the internet might have killed
- swapping and trading when it comes to
- spreading productions. We might aswell
- admit that right away, even the few
- hardcore swappers left have come to
- see this I think. «c6»The internet is
- easy, everybody has access to it, and
- you get everything at the releasedate
- if you want. «c7»There're no need for
- disks via parcels with the production
- in them, and no need to go through a
- bbs with an upload/download ratio, to
- get scenish releases. These ways of
- spreading things are obsolete.«»
- «»
- Sad as it is for the traders though,
- they really don't stand a chance of
- surviving this, not until more
- commercial releases get out, but the
- swappers have a good chance of
- surviving and adapting, indeed we
- already have adapted a great deal. And
- our motivation must potentially be
- much greater than the motivation of a
- trader. A trader has one function,
- spreading releases. The anarchistic
- and vast internet has taken over that
- function, and «c6»made both swapping and
- trading redundant. «c7»The trader as a
- function has died out as a result of
- this, but the swapper has the
- potential to live on, as there's more
- than just spreading stuff to that
- function. «c6»Cheers for the swappers, «c7»I
- hope we can get more into our
- movement, but if not, I hope we'll
- continue living for a long time
- anyway. Don't be bothered by the
- internet, it doesn't mean swapping is
- useless!«»
- «»
- MOST OF YOU! ;)«»
- «»
- «e»